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27 January 2005 - 9:39 pm

I now understand what my poor baby was going through when he wouldn't drink anything for three days. My throat burns so bad, and it has spread to my left ear and left nostril. Even the teeth on the left side of my mouth hurt. The last two nights it has taken me three and a half hours to fall asleep because it burns so bad. I went to the pharmacy and asked if they could recommend anything for my symptoms that is safe during pregnancy, and they said the only thing they're allowed to recommend to pregnant ladies is Tylenol. Well I really don't think a Tylenol will help so I won't take anything. I don't know when I last had such an annoying burn in my nose/throat/ear. Maybe never. It's different than a sore throat. It hurts to breathe. I feel like holding my nose shut to make it feel better! Oh I am so tired and if I don't go to bed soon I'll be very sick. I guess that means I should go to bed. I just hope it doesn't take me hours to fall asleep.

Ah... the joys of complaining to my online diary.

In other news, wow, Alex is almost a year old.

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